The Heartbreaking Plight of Dogs in Slaughterhouses: Their Desperate Pleas to End the Brutality of Dog Meat Trade

The COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the world has opened our eyes to the importance of rethinking our connection with nature. Unfortunately, there are still people who do not understand the importance of treating all living creatures with respect.

Countries like Cambodia and Vietnam have a long-standing tradition of consuming dog and cat meat. This practice has been going on for many years and is deeply rooted in their culture. Unfortunately, it is estimated that around 10 million dogs are slaughtered annually in meat markets throughout Southeast Asia.

The situation has become even more alarming during the pandemic crisis, with a significant increase in the consumption of dog and cat meat. What’s even more worrisome is that some healthcare professionals have advised people that eating this type of meat can offer health benefits in combating the coronavirus.

According to a vendor in Cambodia, there is a common belief that consuming dog meat can offer health benefits and protect against illnesses such as COVID-19. Some people argue that this type of meat is more natural because dogs are not exposed to chemicals. But upon closer inspection of these markets, it becomes apparent that they are a danger to both animals and the health of those who consume this meat.

Michael Chour, the founder of The Sound of Animals, expresses his distress over the high consumption of meat in certain regions that are believed to have healing properties. Unfortunately, this includes the consumption of dog and cat meat, which is increasing despite the current health crisis. This is incredibly concerning because these animals are often kept in terrible conditions with little medical care. It’s a deplorable situation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 70% of new infectious diseases that affect humans come from animals. This has been linked to outbreaks of illnesses like cholera and an increase in the risk of rabies. It is also a sad reality that many of the animals sold in these markets are stolen pets taken away from their owners, resulting in the painful loss of beloved dogs and cats.

Several animal welfare groups have collaborated to urge the governments of Cambodia and Vietnam to take action against the sale of dog and cat meat. You can support their cause by endorsing the petition. In Phnom Penh, more than 100 restaurants provide home delivery of dog and cat meat, which is a disturbing trend.

With the ongoing worldwide changes, it’s crucial that we step up and speak out to protect these innocent creatures. They’re in urgent need of our help, and it’s our responsibility to spread awareness and put an end to the cruel dog and cat meat trade. Please share this message with others to raise awareness!

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