Nine years of daily visits to rescue a dog in chains: The inspiring story of an animal activist.

It’s sad to acknowledge that pets are seen wandering around the streets of various cities worldwide, when they should be treated as family members who deserve love, attention and respect just like anyone else.

An activist spent nine years going to a chained dog every day in order to save her.

Some individuals may not pay much attention to the presence of stray cats and dogs around them, but for volunteers like Jessica Cochran, these animals are more than just strays. As someone who loves animals, she firmly believes that these creatures deserve a chance at a better life beyond mere survival. That’s why she dedicates her time and effort to rescuing them. For over a decade now, she has been an active volunteer in PETA’s Community Animals Project, which advocates for the ethical treatment of animals.

Recently, Jessica learned about the case of Edith, a dog in dire need of help. Being the compassionate person she is, she decided to take on the mission of saving Edith fully. Her actions demonstrate the dedication and love that volunteers have for animals in need of care and support.

Edith, a pitiful creature, had spent her entire life bound by chains that left her feeling helpless, dejected, and miserable. For nine long years, she had been robbed of any semblance of freedom, with only one activist visiting her daily in an attempt to save her. But despite their best efforts, the legal procedures that needed to be followed were arduous, and the family responsible for her captivity callously refused to release her, leaving her to suffer indefinitely.

As the days passed, Jessica’s fondness for the furry creature grew stronger. She showered the dog with love by gifting her favorite candies and toys, and even erected a cozy little abode to shelter her from the harsh weather conditions. This selfless lady is a key participant in a 2007 initiative aimed at assisting animals like Edith, who were abandoned, neglected, and subjected to being chained and mistreated, to experience a better standard of living.

PETA shared on their social media account that Edith, a puppy, was kept alone outside and chained up. The only contact she had was with PETA field workers who would visit her and give her toys, treats, and affection. However, PETA sadly had to inform the public that Edith went missing after building a strong bond with her over time.

The people who were responsible for keeping the helpless animal in poor conditions made the decision to relocate her without informing anyone, making it nearly impossible to locate her afterwards. Despite the efforts of animal activists, the whereabouts of the furry creature remained unknown. This unfortunate turn of events left everyone hoping for a miracle. Jes shared her concern about Edith’s sudden disappearance in a video posted on PETA’s channel, narrating the story.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, the determined rescuers refused to give up their quest to save Edith from her cruel captors. Their tireless efforts eventually paid off, after a grueling two-year search that involved scouring even the most unlikely of places. In 2016, Edith was finally rescued and given a loving home by Jes, who had adopted her. This was a long-overdue reprieve for Edith, who had been callously mistreated by her former caretakers, who eventually decided to abandon her. Let this heartwarming tale inspire you to share the message that saving an animal’s life might not change the world, but it can make a world of difference to the creature that is rescued. Every living being deserves to be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect.

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