Introducing the Adorable One-Eared Feline Rescue Who Overcame an Animal Attack and Found an Amazing Forever Family!

Colin’s spouse, Liz, who is employed at an animal clinic close to their Pensacola, Florida dwelling, had a serendipitous encounter with a miniature black kitten named Vinny. The little feline had been assaulted by another animal while living on the streets and Liz couldn’t resist the charm of the cute creature. Colin recounts how Vinny was discovered by the offspring of one of the shelter administrators when he was just two to three weeks old. The kitten bounded up to the person with a contented purr.

Vinny was feeling happy, but he had some injuries on his face and head, causing infections. Moreover, his right ear was badly harmed. Luckily, the kind-hearted individual who found Vinny in that state took him to a shelter where he received the necessary care. Afterward, he was tran

sferred to a nearby animal clinic for further treatment.

According to Colin, Van Gogh had to undergo two surgeries as he was suffering from an infection. During the first surgery, his ear and ear canal were removed down to the skull, while the second surgery was performed to clear up more infection. This information was shared through a post on’s Instagram account featuring an image.

Vinny found a loving foster home after undergoing surgeries. Though his foster mom did her best, caring for him and other kittens proved to be too much. Colin’s wife then stepped up and volunteered to take care of Vinny until he finds a permanent home. Liz brought him home in October with the intention of providing him with all the love and care he needs until adoption day arrives.Vinny, who was named after Vincent Van Gogh, quickly adapted to his new home with Colin and Liz despite experiencing trauma as a young kitten. In just six weeks, he won the hearts of his foster parents with his lovable personality, and they officially adopted him on New Year’s Eve 2019. Colin recalls that Vinny’s outgoing and affectionate nature made them realize that he belonged with them despite his past challenges. Photos of Vinny can be found on’s Instagram page.

Vinny the cat is doing well after almost five months since losing one of his ears. Despite his altered appearance, he remains a healthy and lively eight-month-old kitten who enjoys playing with leaves and strings, taking naps on blankets, lounging on his cat tree, and spending time on his family’s balcony. According to Colin, cats who lose nonessential body parts such as an eye or ear are unlikely to experience significant negative effects on their quality of life.

According to Colin, many people assume that cats with missing body parts, like Vinny who lost an ear, may have other health issues such as hearing problems. However, Colin and his wife Liz have found that this is not the case and that cats with one ear are just as good, if not better, than two-eared cats. They believe that these cats are not broken in any way and might even be cuter. Fortunately, Vinny’s hearing has not been affected by the loss of his ear.

Vinny, the one-eared kitten, is undeniably cute and charming. Although he had a rough beginning, he is now doing exceptionally well, all thanks to a group of extraordinary individuals, including Colin and Liz. This affectionate feline has won the hearts of many, including those on Instagram’s page, where his adorable image was shared.

According to Colin, adopting Vinny was not a deliberate decision as they didn’t specifically look for a one-eared cat. However, after taking him in, they couldn’t be more thankful for having him in their lives. Colin and Liz have taken a liking to Vinny, who has exhibited remarkable resilience. He has blended in well with the family and has become an essential part of their lives. In Colin’s words, “Vinny holds a special place in our hearts.”

If you want to get to know this cute little kitten better, you can check out Vinny’s Instagram account by following

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