How a Little Pooch Beat the Odds: Overcoming a Tumor and Starting Anew

It’s unfortunate that many pet owners choose to surrender their dogs for various reasons, which is a common occurrence in animal shelters across the country. Reasons vary from allergies to financial struggles and heartlessness, among others. However, a rescue organization in Dallas was shocked when they received Hattie, a pup with a large tumor on her left side. Her previous owners had taken her to a local shelter in 2018 and left her there. (Viewer discretion advised: the following image may be disturbing.)

It seems that Hattie had been living with a large growth for the past two years without anyone addressing it. Dallas DogRRR – Rescue.Rehab. Reform took Hattie under their wing in hopes of giving her a brighter future. Knowing the severity of the situation, the rescue made the decision to have the growth removed. Vet Ranch, an organization dedicated to providing medical treatment to abandoned animals, was called upon to assist in the process.

Hattie’s legs and mobility were affected by the added weight on one side of her body. Dr. Karri from Vet Ranch was worried about the impact on the blood vessels and muscles in that area. However, despite the discomfort, Hattie remained an endearing and delightful dog. Prior to the operation, Dr. Karri expressed her sorrow at Hattie having to cope with the situation. Fortunately, the vets were able to successfully remove the massive 15-pound tumor, which was roughly half of Hattie’s body weight.

Hattie, the resilient and cheerful pooch, had to overcome some physical challenges, but she managed to do so successfully! In fact, she was fortunate enough to have a foster home eagerly waiting for her. Eventually, Hattie found her forever home in December 2018. Vet Ranch documented her surgical procedure and the healing journey on video, which is available to watch if you’re interested.

Hattie is now free from her tumor and it has made a huge difference in her life. She runs without any difficulty and although she still faces some health issues, she is content and lives a joyful life with the love and attention she deserves.

Hattie’s new owner shared a heartwarming update on social media, stating that she now resides in a cozy home with a spacious yard and a furry companion. She enjoys the freedom to roam around the house and is treated like royalty as she sleeps in a king-size bed every night. Although Hattie has some health concerns, her new owner ensures that she receives regular veterinary care to manage her condition.

Hattie, who was once deemed helpless and surrendered to a life of misery, is now a content and healthy dog relishing her golden years with her new family. While veterinary medicine played a role, it was the compassion of those who recognized her worth that deserves the most recognition.

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