#1 This photo captures the exact look my buddies give me whenever I have food around.
Boxer dogs aren’t your typical students, they are the ones who end up teaching you valuable lessons.
#3 Mud is the ultimate solution for all problems.
#4 Relaxing in the bathtub when suddenly, things took a turn…
There’s nothing wrong with the dog, it’s the world around him that’s all out of whack!
#6 It might be a bit of a wait…
Is there anyone who can see that and not burst into laughter?
#8 Delicious hot dog bread rolls!
#9 Sit back and savor the soothing sensation of a belly rub.
#10 Just Hanging Out, Pup
That’s why I like to refer to them as our ‘furry kids.’ They mirror our behaviors so closely that they offer comfort and companionship just like we do.
I’m sure Boxer dogs also receive lots of attention for their cheerful expressions.
Hey there, just a friendly reminder that this belongs to me, so please keep that in mind!
He’s pondering over the best way to strike a pose when he invites you to dinner.
Please refrain from interrupting them, as they are currently enjoying a romantic moment.
#16 However, it’s a pity about it.