A Heartwarming Journey of Resilient Mother Dog, Defying Challenges to Safeguard Her Unborn Pups, Unwavering with Each Brave Howl.

For several days, she had been deprived of any food or drink. Desperate for help, she began shouting for assistance, catching the attention of her concerned neighbors. It turned out that her supposed guardian had unlawfully held her captive, subjecting her to starvation and dehydration. Her cries for help were so audible that the neighbors spotted her and promptly alerted the authorities.

With the assistance of the initial authorities, she was ready for her first overall health examination after enduring mistreatment and excessive feeding. APAI Belém, a group of independent advocates responsible for a sanctuary housing almost 30 dogs and cats in Belém, Pará, also showed interest in adopting her.

She is receiving a lot of affection and admiration after successfully passing a test while still recovering. Additionally, she has recently gained weight and her condition is improving daily. The warhorse also subtly suggested that she may be expecting a pregnancy. Despite being in good overall health, giving birth is a daunting task.

After being informed about the situation, they began by getting rid of all the annoying insects. Afterwards, she was taken to a specially designated room for recovery. In addition to that, Warhorse conducted an enhanced blood test to monitor her pregnancy.

The cute little girl has put on some pounds and is continuously improving each day. As a result, the following day, they brought her in for another round of vaccination shots and conducted an X-ray examination to monitor the progress of her upcoming offspring.

She was on the verge of delivering her puppies, but due to her underweight condition, the stagehands decided to take her to the hospital just in case any special assistance was required during the delivery process. Luckily, she successfully gave birth to a litter of three puppies, bringing a sense of joy and relief to everyone involved.

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