“Ben the Boxer’s Emergency: Swallowing 16 Golf Balls Lands Him in Surgery”

A hungry Boxer dog named Ben ended up in a tough spot after devouring a total of 16 golf balls. The golf balls, each measuring 4 centimeters wide, became stuck in his stomach, prompting a swift emergency surgery at a veterinarian in Runcorn, Cheshire. The stunned vets had to conduct a two-hour operation to rescue the two-year-old pup from the dangerous situation. Dylan Payne, a skilled surgeon at Northwest Veterinary Specialists, shared, “We had to do a detailed examination of Ben’s stomach, which showed a massive blockage caused by numerous golf balls.”

Ben, a Boxer dog, swallowed a staggering 16 golf balls before he was taken to the vet for surgery

Ben, the lovable Boxer pup, managed to gobble up an impressive 16 golf balls before his worried owner rushed him to the veterinarian for a much-needed surgery.

All of the 4cm wide balls were removed during the two-hour operation to save the two-year-old dog's life

During a lifesaving two-hour operation, all of the 4cm wide balls were removed from the stomach of a two-year-old dog named Ben. According to the veterinarian, Ben’s stomach was very full and required urgent surgery to open it and extract the balls. While the surgery itself was described as routine and low risk, the removal of sixteen golf balls was considered quite unusual, especially for a Boxer breed. Thankfully, the operation was successful, and Ben is now back at home, recovering well and even gaining weight.

Ben’s owner, 70-year-old David Warren, first became aware that something was wrong with his furry companion two months ago when Ben began to lose weight. After noticing that Ben was off his food and vomiting, David took him to the vet, who suspected a blockage in his digestive system. David was shocked to learn that the blockage was caused by the golf balls that Ben had ingested, likely while playing near their home next to a golf course. Despite his initial disbelief, David was relieved when the operation went smoothly and his beloved pet was back on the road to recovery.

'The operation was a complete success and Ben is back at home doing very well and gaining weight', said Dylan Payne, surgeon at Northwest Veterinary Specialists

According to surgeon Dylan Payne from Northwest Veterinary Specialists, Ben’s operation was successful and he is recuperating at home, gaining weight. Payne shared that when they told him Ben had swallowed golf balls, he initially thought it was just one or two, only to discover that Ben had actually ingested a whopping 16. Not being a golfer himself, Payne was amazed that Ben had found and consumed so many stray balls from the driving range. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Payne can now see the humor in it, thanks to the excellent care Ben received from the vets at Northwest. Payne even found it amusing when they offered him the bag of balls that were removed during the operation as a keepsake.

Ben's owner, David Warren, 70, a widower, is now teaching his pet to chase after tennis balls -  which he can't swallow

David Warren, a 70-year-old widower, is currently training his playful pet Ben to fetch sticks and tennis balls that he can’t swallow. He shared how Ben chewed up the stick that was meant to throw the tennis balls, showing his mischievous nature. David plans on purchasing some footballs for Ben to play with next, confident that Ben won’t be able to swallow something of that size.

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