The Ingenious Escape Attempt of a Dog Bound by a Cruel Owner

Caught on camera, a man heartlessly abandoned his dog. He tied the dog to a coat and took him out onto the street with the intention of getting rid of him. However, a change of heart led him to leave the dog on an unfamiliar street. The resilient dog, named Cooper, refused to give in to his fate and tried to bite the rope and plastic bag that bound him.

During the following days, Cooper was surrounded by people wandering around and avoiding him. His horrible experience left him moving only on his front legs, enduring pain and exhaustion. With the help of a lawyer, surveillance footage was obtained and a report was filed with the police, launching an investigation into this act of cruelty.

Legal actions were taken to hold the responsible party accountable, while Cooper’s condition came to light. Despite his harrowing ordeal, tests showed no major injuries to his back. A CT scan revealed that Cooper was suffering from osteoarthritis and knee contracture, causing him prolonged discomfort. Over time, the affected joints deteriorated, worsening his pain. Cooper’s treatment plan included painkillers and arthritis medication. However, his suffering made him resistant to touch, leading to biting and crying when approached by the veterinarian. As a result, the inflammation was treated under anesthesia, starting a careful and gradual recovery process. Cooper’s journey involved undergoing arthrodesis surgery to address joint degeneration and bone friction.

The financial cost of Cooper’s care was significant, amounting to around 35,000 rubles per surgery. Despite the challenges, Cooper displayed a normal appetite and began to get used to human presence. His treatment for mycoplasma marked a turning point, which led to him undergoing orthopedic surgery after confirming his improved health. Cooper’s resilience became evident as he gradually regained mobility in his hind legs. Over time, his trust in humans grew, in stark contrast to his initial apprehension. With each step forward, Cooper’s journey to recovery proved to be tough but inspiring. When faced with surgery, he maintained a determined spirit and even earned himself a manicure and pedicure as a reward after the procedure.

The journey was filled with challenges; Cooper’s adaptation to new environments took time, patience, and perseverance. Throughout it all, the veterinarians provided unwavering support, guiding Cooper towards a healthier future. Despite the obstacles, Cooper’s tenacity and the dedication of those around him painted a story of resilience and hope, showcasing the incredible impact of compassion and care on the path to recovery.

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