Unwavering Canine Friendship: A Loyal Dog’s Presence Brings Comfort to His Ailing Equine Companion jusqu’au Dernier Souffle

One of the canines rescued by Martn Miranda and his family goes by the name Forastero. Alongside Forastero, they also saved a horse named Canario, who was destined to become a meal for the zoo’s lions. Although Canario was in a critical condition, Forastero remained faithfully by his side until it was too late.

In spite of the fragile nature of the Canary and its inability to independently support itself, the family opted to approach the owner with a request to try and save it. They had a track record of rescuing various animals such as chickens, bunnies, and dogs, and the prospect of allowing this horse to perish was simply unbearable for them. Canario became a part of Martn’s family, yet sadly, the five months they spent together brought no improvements. Unfortunately, Canario’s state declined to the extent that it became impossible for him to stand unaided.

Volunteers for Our Horses (VPN), a different organization dedicated to the well-being of horses, recently reached out to Ayuda a Caballos Maltratados (ACMA) in Argentina concerning a distressed horse that was found lying down and incapable of getting up. This poor creature showed signs of extensive aging, with missing teeth, a worn-out appearance, weakened bones, and other common indications of an elderly equine.

In that instant, the veterinarian from Corsica came to a profound realization – this was not a typical instance of horse mistreatment, a sadly prevalent issue in the area where horses are driven to their breaking point in racing pursuits until they succumb to exhaustion.

Canary, the horse, was gravely ill and unable to move. In a compassionate act, the doctor administered an injection to ease Canary into a peaceful slumber and grant him respite from his suffering.

The family was taken aback when they discovered that Canary had been put to rest, but it soon became evident to them that the horse, whom they had assumed to be young and ailing, was truly an elderly creature yearning for tranquility.

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