“The Remarkable Tale of the World’s Ugliest Dog – From Bitten by His Mother to Happily Ever After”

Every animal possesses unique characteristics that distinguish it from the rest and give it its own identity. Each animal is beautiful in its own right. Newt, a puppy, is known for having a “grumpy old man” expression on his face due to a significant scar he received at birth from his mother. He lost the entire top of his snout because she bit his face when he was just a cub.

As a result of the expensive medical care needed for Newt, his original owners relocated him to the New York Bully Crew shelter in Texas. However, when one door closes, another opens. Liesl Wildhart, who adopted Newt, helped him find a new family. Lovable Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary, an adoption facility for rescued dogs, was founded by Liesl. Her first act was to change her dog’s name from Brute to Newt. She then brought the dog with her to her home in Eugene, Oregon.

Thanks to social media, Liesl discovered Newt and immediately adopted him as soon as she saw him. She posted his pictures and videos on her Instagram account for everyone to see. When I first saw it, I thought it was cool. According to Metro, Picasso and Wacku, two of Newt’s dog brothers, used to live with Liesl. Additionally, Newt has his own Instagram account where you can see photos from his joint excursions.

At first, he struggled to adapt to the changes in his life, but now he enjoys a satisfying life with his owner and other puppies. He underwent facial surgery that gave him an amphibian-like appearance and earned him the endearing nickname of “grumpy old guy” on social media. While he requires some assistance with tasks like eating, his owner is always there to help out. It can be challenging to get food into his mouth without him spitting it up, so his owner hand-feeds him everything he eats, according to Liesl, who spoke with Metro.

Newt and his siblings all have facial deformities, with Picaso’s face being distorted and Wacku missing his snout. However, despite their appearances, Newt fit right in with the family of dogs he was given to and got along well with them. According to Liesl, who spoke to the same outlet, Newt is highly animated and silly like a typical puppy, but also smart and considerate of the other dogs. Dogs like Newt live life to the fullest when given a home and don’t feel sorry for themselves or consider what they’ve lost, as the owner of Newt stated in the interview.

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