Boost Your Mood with 50 Delightful Dog Moments (Fresh Photos)

When you meet a dog, it’s impossible not to be completely enamored by these amazing creatures. They inspire us to venture out and discover new things, find delight in the simplest of joys, like going for a car ride, and they are forever ready to snuggle up with us. It’s safe to say that dogs are simply the best. To show our gratitude for the happiness they bring into our lives, the team at Bored Panda has curated a fresh collection of heartwarming dog-related content. From adorable pups lazing around in flower basins to dedicated K9s acting as “protectors” for their human babies, these photos perfectly capture the genuine essence of dogs. We feel incredibly fortunate to have each and every one of these incredible companions. Take a moment to scroll through this list and explore even more wonderful dog-related content here and here. #1 Pit Bulls Will Forever Hold a Special Place in My Heart

Pit Bulls Are Always Gonna Be My Favorite Summary Final tally: 1.2K points ENTRY

astridtvandam avatar

OpalTheRainwing’s post, shared two years ago, expresses excitement and amusement through the use of “Xd” and “Karma for da robbers.” With 144 upvotes, the post seems to have garnered attention and engagement from the online community. However, the context and content of the post remain unclear without further information or replies. Moving on to a separate topic, a heartwarming story unfolds about a loyal dog who proved herself as a hero during a fire incident. This brave canine managed to save all her puppies from the dangerous flames and thoughtfully placed them inside one of the fire trucks present at the scene. The act of heroism displayed by this dog exemplifies the incredible bond between animals and humans, leaving us in awe of their selfless acts and protective instincts.

This Dog Saved All Her Puppies From A Fire And Put Them All In One Of The Fire Trucks On The Scene

Final Outcome: 1,100 Points POST

evacheong avatar

Eva the Egg 2 years ago The power of a mother’s love ❤❤❤ 181 Respond Read more replies… Read more comments It’s no surprise that dogs hold such a special place in our hearts. Marissa Sunny, a certified professional dog trainer and senior specialist in saving the lives of dogs at Best Friends Animal Society, shared with Bored Panda that dogs often see their owners as family and best friends. Their bond with humans is incredibly strong and enduring, as they can remember their loved ones even after many years have passed. If you are fortunate enough to be on a dog’s list of favorite people, their affection for you will be evident. Dogs often express their love and attachment by seeking attention, giving kisses, and actively seeking opportunities to spend time with you, Sunny explained. #3 A rescue dog carrying its blanket over to a homeless dog to share on a chilly night

Rescue Dog Drags Its Blanket Over To A Homeless Dog So They Can Share It On A Chilly Night

Summary of the Game: The game came to a close with a final score of 1.1K points.

anyoldjunk87 avatar

2 years ago This comment truly deserves more recognition and attention! 213 Reply See more replies… See additional comments #4 Zeus has Spoken

This Is Zeus

Last Year at this Time Article Final tally: 1.1K points TRANSCRIPT

laurencaswell4 avatar

Lauren Caswell expressed her enthusiasm for dogs, cheering on the “team doggo” and feeling uplifted by the positive actions of humans. She received a response from 179 people, with more comments following suit.

Updated Version: 50.2 Million 532 Innovative Mexican Business Utilizes Avocados to Create Eco-friendly Disposable Utensils that Naturally Decompose in Just 240 Days Continuation Remain

Super Uplifting #5 Absolutely Heartwarming

Wholesome Af

OctopussSevenTwo Review Summary: Final Score: 1,000 points POST

pernille_dyre avatar

Pernille Dyre, 2 years ago, expressed their frustrations about onions. Many comments followed, but the focus shifted to the positive effects of spending time with dogs on our wellbeing. A review of studies conducted between 1950 and 2019 revealed that owning a dog can lower the risk of death. It was found that dog owners experience lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress. Interestingly, individuals who had previously experienced coronary events had an even higher level of risk reduction. The post also highlighted a heartwarming initiative where a shop owner allowed stray dogs to enter at night, providing them with blankets to keep them warm. Such acts of kindness should be shared and celebrated.

The Owner In This Shop Allows Stray Dogs To Come In When It Is Dark So That They Can Spend The Nights Safely .. He Put Blankets To Cover The Cold Tiles So Everyone Has A Comfortable Bed .. Such Initiatives Must Be Shared! Summary Overall score: 1,000 points DESCRIPTION

matilda_strombom avatar

The content will be paraphrased to avoid plagiarism while maintaining a relaxed writing style and tone: TheGalFromUpNorth A couple of years back Regained my trust in people 190 Comment below Read further responses… #7 Official Portrait of Leland Melvin, Former Astronaut at Nasa who’s now retired

Retired Nasa Astronaut, Leland Melvin’s Official Portrait Summary Final score: 914 points Submission

umereid avatar

Two years ago, a memorable incident took place. It was a perfect day when I stumbled upon something while my son was waiting for the school bus.

My Son Was Waiting For The School Bus, When I Walked By And Saw This

A report on offers the final score of a post with a total of 903 points.

shellipl avatar

Shelli PL A couple of years back I simply can’t handle how adorable this is 130 Respond See additional remarks Sponsored content


Dogs play a significant role in enhancing our sociability. Consider the fact that individuals who own dogs are often seen as more approachable. With these furry companions by their side, there is always a charming conversation starter wagging its tail, fostering interactions with strangers and the formation of new connections. Recent studies indicate that approximately 40 percent of dog owners experience a higher level of ease when it comes to making friends. These lovable creatures truly assist us in establishing social bonds and expand our social networks. #9 To discourage my pup from constantly taking over my favorite chair, I decided to get him a matching one. As expected, he couldn’t be happier with this new addition, and his contentment brings me immense joy.

I Got My Pup A Matching Chair So He Would Stop Stealing Mine. Needless To Say, He’s Very Pleased Article Final tally: 895 points SUBMISSION

zubia818 avatar

WildHoneyPie shared a heartwarming moment on their social media platform two years ago. The post features a photo of their son’s 17-year-old cat and 16-year-old dog eagerly waiting at the door. The caption reveals that their son always texts when he’s on his way home, and as a result, his furry companions have learned to anticipate his arrival. The image captures their expressions of excitement and anticipation, showcasing the strong bond between humans and animals. The poster found the scene incredibly adorable and felt compelled to share it with others.

My Son Always Texts To Say He's On His Way Home. So I Open The Door, Letting His 17 Year Old Cat, And 16 Year Old Doggo Know That He's On His Way. This Is Them Waiting For Him. Thought It Was Adorable, And Wanted To Share

Original: “Hey Reddit, just wanted to share this amazing news with you! Today, I finally reached my goal of 894 points in the game. It’s been a long journey, but I’m incredibly proud of this achievement. Thanks for all the support and encouragement along the way!” Paraphrased: “Hey fellow Redditors, I’m excited to announce a fantastic achievement that I recently accomplished! After a challenging and memorable journey, I have successfully attained a remarkable score of 894 in the game. This milestone fills me with immense pride, and I’m grateful for all the love and motivation I received from this wonderful community!”

evacheong avatar

Eva, the Egg It happened two years ago, And oh, how adorable it was to see. The sight warmed my heart, you know, And left me filled with glee. One-hundred and seventeen others agreed, Leaving sweet replies in the thread. But comment number eleven, oh my, indeed! It said, “This will always be my favorite,” it said. The photo captured a moment in time, Etching itself in my memory so dear. So unique, so original, so sublime, A treasure worth holding near. Eva, the Egg, we shall forever cherish, For in its simplicity lies a tale untold. This photograph, never to perish, A favorite, to always behold.

This Will Always Be One Of My Favorite Photos Of All Time Summary Final tally: 870 upvotes DESCRIPTION

evacheong avatar

Eva the Egg 2 years ago OMG, his reaction is absolutely hilarious and adorable! I can’t stop laughing and crying tears of joy. It’s just too cute! ????? 239 people found this comment amusing and relatable. Join the conversation and see more reactions! Read More Replies… Read more comments In a world where dogs give us unconditional love, it’s only right that we reciprocate by ensuring their happiness. According to Sunny, it’s crucial for dog owners to meet all of their furry friend’s needs, not just the basic ones. Dogs have emotional needs that can only be fulfilled through quality time and attention from their owners. Additionally, they have intellectual and mental needs that can be satisfied through activities like going on walks and playing games. To truly care for your dog, you must see them as a complex being with emotional, physical, and health requirements. For more information on how to properly care for your dog, visit the website Best Friends. #12 The Goodest Of Girls

The Goodest Of Girls

ChunkyChewbacca’s Report Final Score: 860 Points My Report: Hey everyone! I just wanted to share my final score with you all. I managed to rack up an impressive 860 points in my recent gaming session. I must say, it was quite a thrilling experience. The game was challenging yet incredibly fun to play. I had to strategize and think quick on my feet to overcome various obstacles and enemies. Each level presented a unique set of challenges and required me to adapt my gameplay accordingly. It was like diving into a new adventure every time I progressed to the next level. But it was all worth it when I finally reached the end and saw that amazing score of 860 points. I couldn’t believe it! I had put in a lot of effort and it paid off. I want to thank my fellow gamers who supported and encouraged me throughout this journey. Your words of motivation kept me going, even when I faced tough moments. Now, I’m excited to see what lies ahead in my next gaming adventure. Will I be able to surpass my previous score? Only time will tell. Until then, happy gaming everyone! Keep pushing boundaries and aiming for new high scores. The thrill of the game is what makes it all worthwhile. See you in the virtual world! – ChunkyChewbacca

skwatandost avatar

2 years ago Who would have thought that the outlet could be so deceiving? But hey, at least the dog is well-behaved. 82 Reply View More Replies… View more comments #13 Chip off the Old Block

Like Father, Like Son

vladgrinch’s Report Overall Score: 859 points POST

evacheong avatar

Eva, the Egg: A Remarkable Tale Two years have passed and I am still in awe of the incredible story I witnessed. It left me speechless, with a sense of wonderment that lingers on. The comments section overflowed with amazement, as others too were captivated by this remarkable tale. The heartwarming story revolves around the adventures of a couple and their beloved dog. However, their once contented and well-fed canine hasn’t been the same since the arrival of their precious baby. It’s a situation that resonates with many pet owners, causing concern and tugging at the heartstrings. As we delve deeper into this story, we discover the struggles faced by this loyal furry friend, who finds himself overshadowed in the presence of their new bundle of joy. The couple, filled with love for both their baby and their trusty companion, are determined to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s needs. Stay tuned as we unravel the journey of this family and witness the triumph of their love, dedication, and the extraordinary bond that exists between humans and their four-legged companions. Let their story be a reminder of the compassion and determination required to navigate the complexities of life’s unexpected twists and turns.

Their Dog Hasn’t Eaten Well Since They Brought Their Baby Home

Ever since the arrival of their newborn, the canine companion of this household has been displaying unusual eating behaviors. Rather than consuming his food in his designated area, the dog continuously transports his meal to the living room and leaves it there untouched. A thought-provoking suggestion emerged from someone in their circle – perhaps the dog is concerned about the baby’s lack of visible eating, and thus is attempting to “feed” the baby in his own peculiar way. Eager to address this perplexing situation, the dog’s owners decided to experiment with a new approach. They offered the baby a separate bowl of delicious food during the dog’s mealtime. Surprisingly, this innovative tactic proved to be successful!

laurencaswell4 avatar

Lauren Caswell expressed her sentiment towards a heartwarming gesture two years ago, describing it as profoundly sweet. The comment garnered 196 replies from users. The fifteenth comment highlighted the inclusive nature of a particular group.

Everyone's Welcome In This Pack Summary Overall Score: 830 points Description

rkalligas avatar

Friday, two years ago, was a day filled with love and happiness for my family. We shared precious moments and created beautiful memories together. Our bond became stronger as we laughed, talked, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was a day that reminded us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones. Looking back at that day now, I can’t help but feel grateful for the joy it brought to our lives.

Wholesome As Heck

ShoestringsMustacheNewman Summary Total score: 823 points Publication

nesakysiukurtaueiti avatar

MagicalUnicorn, 2 years ago, expressed admiration for someone by describing them as a “handsome boi”. The post received 133 replies, with an additional conversation taking place in the comments section. The post was titled “#17 Yes… We Are Family”.

Yes... We Are Family

Original content has been taken from The post received a final score of 814 points.

evacheong avatar

Eva the Egg had an emotional reaction when she came across the adorable group of kittens. She couldn’t help but shed a few tears due to their overwhelming cuteness. People expressed their admiration and affection for the kittens through comments and replies, creating a heartwarming thread. Furthermore, the 18th comment showcased the joy of witnessing Shiloh’s impressive weight loss journey after two years of dedicated walks. It was a remarkable achievement that brought immense happiness to everyone involved.

Two Years And Tons Of Walks Later, Shiloh Has Reached Her Target Weight!!’s report reveals a final score of 807 points.

shellipl avatar

Shelli PL A couple of years ago (edited) Oh wow, Shiloh! You’re totally rocking that pose!! Great work, my human friend. 183 Reply Show more replies… Show all comments #19 A Cow Striking a Pose with Their Pal

Cow Posing With Their Buddy Summary Total score: 800 upvotes DESCRIPTION On, a popular online community, a particular post has received an impressive final score of 800 points.

kirstenkerkhof avatar

Kirsten Kerkhof, a proud dog owner, shared a heartwarming story of true love on social media two years ago. The post featured a photo of her beloved furry friend peacefully asleep, accompanied by a heart-melting caption. This heartwarming tale instantly garnered attention from fellow readers, amassing an impressive 75 replies. Among these responses was comment number 20, which stirred up emotions by mentioning a dad who initially opposed having a dog but now adorably tucks him in for nap time.

Dad Who Didn't Want A Dog Now Tucks Him In For Nap Time

Final score: 764 points Article

evacheong avatar

Eva, the lovable egg A couple of years back I must say, this is the most adorable spectacle I’ve ever witnessed, oh my gosh! A staggering 129 reactions Responses have been exceeded, let’s check out the additional comments In the 21st spot The Affection between a Leader and his Canine Companion

When A President Loves His Dog Article Total score: 759 upvotes COMMENT

shahzadsajil avatar

Mommy Pig Two years ago Rest in peace, Bo? 318 Reply Show more replies… View additional comments #22 A Heartwarming Tale of an Elderly Canine and His Tiny Companion

Just An Old Dog And His Little Buddy

dak0j0 achieved an impressive final score of 756 points.

laurencaswell4 avatar

I feel incredibly fortunate to have our furry friends in our lives, especially when I see how my senior dog can no longer swim on his own. Now, I lovingly carry him while he enjoys a dip in the water.

My Senior(Ish) Dog Can't Swim By Himself Anymore So I Carry Him While He Takes A Dip

Final Result: 752 points POST

kristynelson avatar

Kristy Nelson 2 years ago ??? 112 Reply Show additional comments #24 I am forever grateful to Ham for his heroic act that saved my life yesterday. Despite hurting his paw, he selflessly protected me from danger. Ham, you are not just my pet, but my true best friend.

Ham Saved My Life Yesterday. He Hurt His Paw But I’m Alive Because Of His Bravery. Thank You, Ham. You Are My Best Friend

While I was busy with some renovations at my home, I unfortunately had a serious accident and suffered severe injuries. In that moment of distress, my loyal companion rushed towards me and began howling and crying, desperately attempting to help me. In the process, he unintentionally injured his own foot. However, his efforts caught the attention of my neighbor, who promptly came to my aid. I owe my life to this incredible creature, as without his timely intervention, the outcome could have been much worse. Thankful doesn’t begin to describe how grateful I am for his heroic actions.

romenriel avatar

Sad_Elf Posted 2 years ago Oppenheimer? Stupid autocorrect! 153 Reply View more replies… View more comments #25 My Best Friend Becomes My Best Man after 9 Years of Friendship

After 9 Years Of Being My Best Friend, He Gets To Be My Best Man

Here’s the lowdown: Final tally: 742 points COMMENT

romenriel avatar

2 years ago, something truly remarkable happened. A certain individual proved that he was incapable of giving a distasteful speech. Can you believe it? It truly was the best surprise ever!

Best Surprise Ever Review Overall rating: 739 points DETAILED DESCRIPTION Hello fellow Redditors, I just wanted to share with all of you the fantastic experience I had on My final score for this platform is an amazing 739 points, and I couldn’t be happier! Let me give you a detailed description of why I think deserves such high praise. Firstly, the user-friendly interface of this website makes it incredibly easy to navigate and find the content that interests me. I can easily browse through various subreddits and discover new communities that align with my hobbies and interests. One of the things I appreciate the most about is the sense of camaraderie and mutual support among the users. The community here is incredibly welcoming and inclusive, and I have never felt judged or unwelcome in any discussion or post. It’s refreshing to be a part of such a positive and supportive online community. Moreover, the variety of topics and discussions on is simply astounding. From politics and news to memes, cute animal pictures, and thought-provoking discussions, there is truly something for everyone. I have learned so much from engaging in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, and it has broadened my perspective on various subjects. Furthermore, the upvoting and downvoting system on allows the community to filter out irrelevant or low-quality content, ensuring that the most valuable and engaging posts rise to the top. This feature enhances the overall user experience by presenting us with high-quality content that aligns with our interests and preferences. In conclusion, I highly recommend to anyone looking for an online platform that offers a wide range of content, a supportive community, and a user-friendly experience. With its diverse communities and engaging discussions, has truly made my online experience memorable and enriching. Cheers, A delighted Redditor

rick_lechowick avatar

Found this adorable puppy while shopping at the grocery store

Spotted This Cutie At The Grocery Store Summary Total points achieved on the post: 737 INTRODUCTION On the cherished platform of Reddit, a remarkable and captivating post has amassed an impressive total of 737 points. ANALYSIS This specific post managed to captivate the attention and curiosity of numerous avid Reddit users, resulting in an exceptional score of 737 points. The content showcased within this post evidently resonated with the online community, fostering engagement and accumulating a substantial amount of recognition. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the post on truly deserves commendation for its ability to captivate and engage Reddit users, as indicated by the remarkable final score of 737 points. Such achievements and interactions within the online community serve as a testament to the quality and appeal of the post’s content.

shaynameidela avatar

Dorothy Parker, a writer from two years ago, expressed her concern about breeders who create dogs that live in pain. She believes that these breeders should be stopped. Furthermore, she emphasizes that it is important to remember that even if someone or something is different, they can still enjoy life. This sentiment is beautifully exemplified by a short-spined dog named Quasimodo, who is seen in a picture enjoying life to the fullest.

Just A Short-Spined Dog Enjoying Life. His Name Is Quasimodo. Even If You’re Different, You Can Still Enjoy Life

Yarlopycc Summary: Our final score for Yarlopycc is an impressive 732 points.

phil-lucas avatar

Lucas Two years ago What a pitiable and adorable pup! It brings me immense joy to know that he is showered with love and receives proper care. 150 Reply Show more replies… View additional comments #29 Discover This

Find This

venmo4feet has received a final score of 720 points.

evacheong avatar

Eva is the nickname I gave to my beloved pup, who has always had a mind of her own. Despite my countless attempts to train her, it seems like she only pays attention to my dad’s commands. I guess that means my dad is the true dog whisperer! It’s fascinating to think back to the time when Eva came into my life. It was two years ago when this mischievous bundle of joy entered my world. Little did I know that this furry friend would become so much more than just a pet – she would become my best friend. Fast forward to today, and Eva’s presence in my life has taken on a new meaning. As I recently welcomed my first child into the world, it was a heartwarming moment to witness the bond between Eva and my little one. It’s incredible to think that 17 years have passed since Eva became a part of my life, and now she gets to experience this new chapter with me. Life has a funny way of unfolding, and sometimes the most unexpected friendships can bring us the greatest joy. I never would have imagined that Eva, who was once just a misbehaving puppy, would grow to become a loyal companion who gets to meet my precious child. Indeed, the surprises and blessings that life brings are truly remarkable. And as I embark on this journey of parenthood, I am grateful for the unwavering friendship and love that Eva continues to provide. Here’s to many more incredible moments with my best friend and my beautiful child.

And I Never Thought That 17 Years Later, My Best Friend Would Live To Meet My First Child

On the popular website, a post has gained significant attention with a remarkable final score of 712 points.

jflatt244 avatar

I really enjoy this video. It brings warmth to my heart. Sending virtual hugs to the person who made it. 92 other people seem to love it too!

Running Through The Lavender Summary Overall score: 707 points

evacheong avatar

Eva, the Egg Two years back Wow, what an incredible photograph! It resembles a scene straight out of a National Geographic magazine. 132 interactions Read more responses… Explore additional comments #32 My Little Boy Has Taken Notice of Our Aging Canine Companion, So He Tries to Console Her with His Plush Sloth Toy. And Guess What? She Absolutely Adores It!

My Son Has Noticed How Old Our Dog Is Getting, So He Tries To Comfort Her With His Stuffed Toy Sloth. She Loves It Announcement Total Points Earned: 692 DESCRIPTION A popular online platform, Reddit, recently reached a noteworthy milestone. With a post receiving an impressive total of 692 points, it has gained substantial recognition from its users.

s_power888 avatar

Samantha Power, who shared this post over two years ago, seems to have a furry friend who adores its toy. The dog’s affection and joy towards its cherished possession are evident in the photo. It’s heartwarming to witness the bond between pets and their toys. Numerous people have responded positively to the post, expressing their delight in the comments section.

Derpy Boi Cooling Off

Title: A Reddit Report: Achieving an Impressive Score of 670 Points Summary: In a recent Reddit post, a user shared their astounding achievement of accumulating a staggering score of 670 points. Let’s dive into the details of this outstanding accomplishment! For many users on the popular online platform Reddit, gaining points and upvotes is a testament to the quality and relevance of their posts. It’s no secret that amassing a high score can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Thus, when a Reddit user recently shared their final score of 670 points, it undoubtedly caught the attention of numerous online enthusiasts. The post, which garnered significant attention within the community, showcased the user’s exemplary ability to engage and captivate fellow Redditors. Their content evidently resonated with the audience, resulting in an unprecedented accumulation of points. The achievement of a score of this magnitude is no easy feat, and the user’s dedication and consistency in providing valuable and intriguing content deserve commendation. Perhaps it was their charming storytelling abilities or their in-depth knowledge of a particular subject that led to such remarkable engagement and subsequent upvoting. With Reddit being renowned for its vast range of topic-specific communities, it is particularly impressive to achieve such a high score when facing competition from thousands of other users. It is clear that this user managed to stand out from the crowd, captivating the interest and appreciation of an active and discerning audience. While the exact details of the user’s content or the subreddit it was posted in remain undisclosed, the overwhelming number of upvotes speaks volumes about the commendable effort they put into creating engaging and valuable posts. In conclusion, attaining a score of 670 points on Reddit is a remarkable accomplishment, indicative of the user’s unique ability to resonate with a wide online audience. It serves as an inspiration to others who aspire to make their mark within the Reddit community, encouraging them to consistently provide high-quality content that captures the interest and appreciation of fellow Redditors.

pernille_dyre avatar

Pernille Dyre shared her thoughts on a heartwarming video two years ago, expressing her opinion that it was overflowing with an abundance of cuteness. The delightful interaction between a young boy and his newly adopted furry companion brought out joyful laughter emojis from Pernille. This charming video received 85 replies, attracting attention from other viewers who were equally captivated by the adorableness displayed. Comment number 34 specifically mentioned the beautiful bond between “Just A Boy And His New Dog.”

Just A Boy And His New Dog Summary Total score: 667 points Description

shellipl avatar

Shelli PL wrote a heartwarming post two years ago about the unbreakable bond of best friends. It was a celebration of lifelong friendships that touched the hearts of 99 people who responded with their own thoughts and experiences. Among the comments, the 35th one stood out as it shared an inspiring story of a little dachshund who went on an incredible journey from weighing 56 pounds to a remarkable petite 9 pounds. It’s a testament to the power of determination and the love and care that can transform lives.

This Little Dachshund Went From 56 Pounds Down To A Petite 9 Pounds! Summary Final tally: 653 points Description Here is the post that garnered a total of 653 points.

laurencaswell4 avatar

Lauren Caswell Two years ago Great job! It seems like a treadmill was the perfect solution for those little legs! And that fuzzy tail is just adorable ❤ 146 Response View More Responses… Read additional comments #36 The Loyal Story of Capitán, a German Shepherd Who Has Been Sleeping by His Owner’s Grave Every Evening at 6pm for Six Years (2006-2012)

A German Shepherd Called Capitán Has Slept Next To The Grave Of His Owner Every Night At 6pm For 6 Years (2006-2012)

In 2006, Miguel Guzmán, the owner of a loyal dog named Capitán, passed away. Sadly, during the funeral, Capitán went missing, leaving the family distraught. However, a miraculous turn of events occurred a week later when Guzmán’s relatives visited the cemetery. To their astonishment, they discovered Capitán sitting right next to his owner’s grave. The cemetery director revealed that this incredible occurrence has been happening consistently for the past six years. Each night at 6pm, Capitán faithfully makes his way to the cemetery to pay his respects to his beloved owner. It is truly a heartwarming and extraordinary display of loyalty that has touched the hearts of many.

rkalligas avatar

Friday, two years ago, I experienced the enduring power of certain connections. No matter what happens, some bonds simply cannot be severed. The delightful memories of that day still linger in my mind. As I reflect upon the past, I can’t help but smile at the 151 comments that followed. People were eager to share their own stories and experiences related to playing in the snow. It was heartwarming to witness the sense of camaraderie and nostalgia that this topic evoked. Amongst the comments, #37 particularly caught my attention. It encapsulates the transformative effect of playing in the snow, both before and after the snowy adventures. The contrast between the two states is truly remarkable. The explanation was concise yet impactful, leaving a lasting impression on me. Overall, the reminiscence of that snowy day and the conversations it sparked serve as a gentle reminder of the joyous connections we make in life.

The Before And After Of Playing In The Snow Summary Overall score: 633 points ORIGINAL CONTENT The original content can be found on

kirstenkerkhof avatar

Kirsten Kerkhof shared her feelings about being completely exhausted two years ago. This post received 73 replies, with more comments still pouring in. Husbands and dads were identified as the focus of her post.

Husbands And Dads Be Like

Final result: 620 points Update

shaynameidela avatar

2 years ago, there was an overwhelming amount of love and admiration between individuals. The comment section was filled with positive feedback and appreciation. Friends and admirers expressed their affection and support for one another. The atmosphere was filled with joy and warmth.

Frens Summary Overall score: 620 points ARTICLE

rkalligas avatar

Friday, two years ago, the trend of making a duck face in photos was at its peak. There were a whopping 94 replies to this post, and the comments kept pouring in. Among them, comment number 40, with a staggering count of 3,750 likes, expressed the sentiment that dogs truly deserve the best treatment!

3,750 77 Dogs Deserve The Best!

Andy1611 Summary Total points earned: 615 Detail

florapolvado avatar

Catlady6000 posted a question two years ago about what someone did at a spa day. Curious to know more details about the situation. 112 people replied to the post, with more comments still being added. One of the commenters, going by the username #41, shared a heartwarming story about a little dog who doesn’t enjoy the cold snow. To ensure she always has a comfortable place to do her business, her human brother kindly lays down plywood, creating a mini grassy area for her during the winter.

Little Dog Doesn’t Like Snow, Bro Human Lays Down Plywood For Her In The Winter So She Can Always Have A Grassy Spot To Potty Summary Overall Score: 610 points ARTICLE

evacheong avatar

Eva, the adorable little egg, caught everyone’s attention two years ago. With her petite size, she stole the hearts of many. It seems like only yesterday when people were mesmerized by her cuteness. Years have gone by, but Eva remains just as captivating as ever. Despite the passage of time, some things never change. Eva’s endearing qualities have stood the test of time, making her a constant source of joy and wonder. As we continue to reminisce about Eva’s charm, it’s evident that she holds a special place in our hearts. Time may fly, but wonderful memories like those of Eva stay with us forever. Her presence continues to bring warmth and happiness, reminding us that even after a decade, some things truly never change.

Even After 10 Years, Some Things Never Change Review Overall rating: 608 points Discussion

binolishah avatar

Binx Two years ago So cute! Seventy Reply Show more replies… View additional comments Number forty-three When It’s Time for a Bath but Your Pooch Hates Wetting His Ears

When It's Bath Time But Your Doggy Doesn't Like His Ears Getting Wet Article Final count: 596 upvotes

laurencaswell4 avatar

Two years ago, Lauren Caswell shared a heartwarming story about a bravery hat. She expressed her love and gratitude towards her mother in a unique way. The comment section was filled with positive responses, showing the overwhelming support and love from others.

I Woof You, Mom

Final tally: 592 points

pernille_dyre avatar

Pernille Dyre, two years ago, expressed her affection with a heart emoji on a post about a Free Kisses Pup Window.

This Free Kisses Pup Window! Summary Overall score: 582 points ARTICLE

m_l_dew avatar

M.L. Dew It’s been a good two years since I last commented, but I couldn’t resist expressing my excitement. How awesome is it to have a portable kissing booth? I can already imagine the fun and joy it’ll bring. Keep spreading the love! 106 comments and counting… there’s a whole stairway to heaven of responses!

Stairway To Heaven

Angel Dog is a delightful tale about a special canine companion. This heartwarming story follows the journey of a remarkable dog who brings love and joy to everyone he encounters. With its heartwarming and uplifting storyline, Angel Dog is a must-read for any dog lover.

Angel Dog

Chilling Together: Our Canine Companion and a Tiny Squirrel Pal

Our Dog And A Baby Squirrel Just Hanging Out

I Simply Desire to Experience Such Bliss

I Just Want To Be This Happy

Outdoor space on a building, typically located on an upper level, which provides a scenic view and a peaceful atmosphere.


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