Daily Photos of Four-Legged Clients: A New York Dog Walker’s Charming Routine.

Dog walking as a profession can be fulfilling and enjoyable. However, a Saratoga Springs-based dog walking service has found a way to spice up their routine and add more excitement for both themselves and their furry companions: taking stunning group photos.

Every week, Tim Pink and his assistant Erin Prevost take around 50 dogs for a walk. The breed of the dog is not a criterion for the walk, but they are grouped based on their size. Saratoga Dog Walkers offers an afternoon walk program known as the “Mid Day Pack Walk Program,” which is highly popular and frequently photographed. According to Pink, the program aims to cater to the natural tendency of dogs to travel in packs. Unfortunately, most dogs do not have the opportunity to be part of a group. By taking them for regular walks, they develop a sense of family and learn to behave well in the company of other dogs.

Pink initially spends some time with each dog, creating a bond before gradually introducing them to the group. He assesses their reactions towards other dogs and their level of obedience training. He remembers each dog’s name and characteristics, building a strong relationship with them.

The canines under Saratoga Dog Walkers’ care go on walks that last around 30 to 45 minutes, rain or shine. After the walk, puppies are cleaned to remove any dirt or rain. On rare occasions when the weather is too harsh, each pup is given an individual bathroom break. Saratoga Dog Walkers’ Instagram page showcases a variety of pictures featuring their pack walks throughout the year. The account keeps things interesting by scouting out new locations and taking breaks for photo opportunities. It’s hard to picture a dull dog photo account, but this one never fails to impress.

Capturing a snapshot with a furry friend in the spotlight can make for some of the most memorable and captivating photographs. It’s like the pup is posing for its very own selfie among its buddies.

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